Elite Pilots Federation Alert
Actualité Galactique 1 juillet 2014 Bot Galnet

Significant numbers of fatal unprovoked attacks on Pilot’s Federation members are being detected.
Pilots Federation members are reminded of their obligation to uphold the values of our organization by seeking out and destroying enemies of the Pilot’s Federation.
Bounties have been placed on the heads of all such rogues.
::Market Information::
Booming ship sales
Faulcon de Lacey’s bestselling Cobra Mk III holds onto its top spot with 35% market share.
Zorgon Peterson has quickly built momentum around its recently released Hauler, which captured a 30% market share in its first week of sales.
Aulin Profitability Declines
GalNet trade aggregation service reports that unusually high levels of commercial activity in Aulin have resulted in the system currently being the lowest average profit per trade. Commanders wishing to undertake a strategic review of their trade routes are recommended to consider i Boötis, which currently offers the largest average profit per trade.
LP98-132 Shows High Activity in Gold
Perhaps reflecting the level of pirate activity noted in our Geo-Political analysis section, Gold is being very heavily traded in LP98-132.
More detailed market information feeds are available via an upgraded subscription to GalNet Market Data.
::GeoPolitical Analysis::
Eranin Tension Continues
Skirmishes between the Eranin Defence Force and the Federation continue.
Many contract bonds for assistance have been placed by both sides, making it a profitable ongoing opportunity for Elite Pilots Federation members.
High levels of piracy are continuing to be reported in LP98-132.
::And Finally::
380 cargo canisters of Fish were detected floating in deep space. Authorities speculate that pirates ejected them to make room for more valuable cargo.
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