Elite Pilots Federation Alert
Actualité Galactique 18 juillet 2014 Bot Galnet

Black market profits remain stable at around the 50M credits mark, with a dramatic rise in contribution from Progenitor Cells.
Most Profitable Black Market Goods:
Progenitor Cells
Personal weapons
Concern is easing over rogue attacks on Pilot Federation members; automatic bounties remain in force and we ask members to continue both their vigilance and their bounty hunting.
::Market Information::
Ship Sales (by number)
Faulcon DeLacey’s bestselling Cobra Mk III further increases its market share by 7.5% with a 42% total.
The Core Dynamics Eagle has also improved its share this week in second position this week with a 4% rise to 27% market share.
The rise of the Cobra and Eagle has been at the expense of Zorgon Peterson’s Hauler. ZP retained 3rd spot with a continued weakening market share, which dropped a further 20% this week to 17.5%. A concerned-looking spokesperson says ZP is unconcerned and believes the Hauler is ‘the perfect vessel for trading, which is such a fundamental activity within the galactic economy’.
GalNet Trade Aggregation Service Reports
Weekly Pilot Federation Member Profits:
1,137,205,737 credits profit generated from 3,689,693 units of cargo traded.
Most Profitable Goods
Resonant Separators
Performance Enhancers
Terrain Enrichment Systems
Most Traded Goods
Performance Enhancers
Resonant Separators
Top Imports per System, Ranked by Quantity
i Bootis: Performance Enhancers, Robotics
Aulin: Fish, Basic Medicines
Eranin: Crop Harvesters, Combat Stabilisers
LP 98-132: Resonant Separators, Progenitor Cells
Dahan: Indite, Coltan
LHS 3006: Resonant Separators, Explosives
Asellus Primus Combat Stabilisers, Coffee
Top Exports per System, Ranked by Quantity
Aulin: Performance Enhancers, Combat Stabilisers
i Bootis: Fish, Basic Medicines
Aulin: Agricultural Medicines, Combat Stabilisers
Eranin: Tea, Coffee
LP 98-132: Bertrandite,Gold
Dahan: Tantalum, Explosives
Asellus Primus: Resonant Separators, Non Lethal Weapons
LHS 3006: Bertrandite, Indite
Trade Tips & Hidden Gems
Aulin: Tantalum
LP 98-132: Bio Reducing Lichen
Dahan: Advanced Catalysers
I bootis: Auto Fabricators
LHS 3006: Consumer Technology
Eranin: Crop Harvesters
Detailed market information feeds are available via an upgraded subscription to GalNet services.
::GeoPolitical Analysis::
Eranin Tension Continues
Skirmishes between the Eranin Defence Force and the Federation show no sign of abating.
Abnormally high levels of piracy continue to be reported in LP98-132.
::And Finally::
Last weekend’s emergency meeting on Asellus Primus resulted in a product recall and a ban on the trading of Progenitor Cells. Progenitor Cells immediately became a mainstay of the black market economy.
Aulin has recalled a recent batch of Progenitor Cells while it investigates the reported contamination. Governments will convene again this weekend to review the findings of the investigations with a view to lifting the ban and re-starting production.
Leaked documents from the investigation suggest that the batch may have been intentionally contaminated and links are being made to left wing militants from Eranin. This would perhaps explain the splits in Eranin’s government and its rumoured intention to boycott the meeting at the weekend.
It remains to be seen if the investigation’s conclusion will allay the public’s fears over the possible side effects of this product.
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This GalNet News Transmission is sponsored in part by the Bank of Zaonce. Trust the Bank of Zaonce with your hard-earned credits.