In a secretly recorded and unguarded discussion with one of her aides, Princess Aisling Duval is allegedly seen to question the motives of Senator Anders Blaine and other parties close to the Emperor. “How is this possible? Am I not the most beloved person in the Empire? This is...
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With the wedding of her mother and the Emperor due to take in place in just over a week’s time, it now looks certain that Arissa Lavigny-Duval will become heir apparent to the throne. When asked about this during the Imperial Herald political special show about the upcoming wedding,...
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Following the very recent expansion by Emperor’s Grace into an Imperial system, a suitable industrial location for the production of advanced technology and weapons has been identified. It is deep within Imperial space and protected by forces loyal to Emperor’s Grace. The unnamed system presently has production facilities for...
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La scène n’est pas sans évoquer le mois de janvier dernier, quand venus des quatre coins de l’Empire, les premiers dignitaires affluaient sur Capitol. Aujourd’hui encore, les établissements d’hébergement de luxe affichent complet, et certains sénateurs accueillent à présent chez eux certains visiteurs influents afin de s’assurer qu’ils soient...
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The Office for the Emperor has published details of the wedding between Emperor Hengist Duval and Florence Lavigny. The wedding will take place at midday on Wednesday 29th July. Invitations have already been sent out and this reporter is one of the lucky few to provide news updates from...
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In the early hours of this morning, a security alert was received from the Imperial suite where Senator Kahina Tijani Loren has been residing. The entry to the residence was found to be locked, and no response was received from inside. Security personnel were authorised to break in. The...
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Joel Xander, the Federal governor of BD-22 3573 of the Federally aligned Forrester Station, has been removed from office and arrested by Federal agents in a surprise raid early this morning. Xander and members of his family have been taken off the planet in an escorted Dropship marked with...
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Bien que l’Empereur ait montré quelques signes de fragilité quand il a comparu devant le Sénat plus tôt aujourd’hui, sa voix était ferme quand il a appelé l’assemblée des Sénateurs à travailler ensemble et non les uns contre les autres pour le bien de l’Empire. « Nous vivons des temps...
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Senator Anders Blaine, Chancellor to Emperor Hengist Duval made a surprise statement on the steps of the Imperial Palace today. With obvious joy on his face he declared that the Emperor has awoken from his coma. “It is with great pleasure I can announce that Emperor Hengist Duval awoke...
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The commanders of the Alliance and Sirius Corporation are today celebrating the one month anniversary of the Inter-faction Mutual Benefit Agreement (IMBA). This agreement declared that pilots of both powers shall aid one another wherever possible towards goals of mutual profit, in the expansion of business and in actions...
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