Revendications de participation fédérale
Avec la longue histoire conflictuelle entre les superpuissances, il n’est pas incongru que certains membres les plus paranoïaques de la population impériale aient dirigé leurs soupçons concernant l’assassinat de l’empereur vers la Fédération. Alors que personne au sein de l’autorité de l’Empire ne prend ces réclamations au sérieux, certains... Lire la suite
Gun Battle Ends Darius Family Murder Investigation
The hunt for the killers of the Darius family came to a dramatic conclusion today in a firefight with local security forces on Eotienses. The Darius family was brutally murdered four days ago in what is believed to be revenge for Brendan Paul Darius’s assassination of Emperor Hengist Duval.... Lire la suite
Children of Liberty Offer Prescription for Empire’s Future
The group known as ‘Children of Liberty’ released another public statement today, this time addressing what it sees as the « crossroads » the Empire finds itself at in the wake of Emperor Hengist Duval’s assassination. « Everyone can see that the Empire is at a crossroads, but it is not just... Lire la suite
Florence Lavigny Calls for Calm
In her first public appearance since the death of her fiancé Emperor Hengist Duval on their wedding day, Florence Lavigny made a short statement in the Imperial Palace press hall and answered a few questions. Her comments come amongst rising tensions on Capitol. “We must remember proper decorum in... Lire la suite
Assassin’s Family Brutally Murdered
The immediate family of Brendan Paul Darius – including his mother, father, sister and six year old niece – have been found murdered at their home on Eotienses. Inspector Reeve commented to local press that these were the most horrific deaths he had encountered in his many years of... Lire la suite
Torval Offers Support to Patreus
Some of the more sordid elements of Imperial media have continued their campaign against Senator Patreus about his connection with Emperor Hengist Duval’s killer. Over the past week Senator Patreus and his followers staying on Capitol have endured abuse from their accusers whenever they appear in public. This escalated... Lire la suite
What Sort of Man Can Kill an Emperor?
The Imperial Herald today released an article about the man allegedly responsible for the regicide of Emperor Hengist Duval. The article detailed Brendan Paul Darius’ upbringing in Eotienses, the home system for the bulk of Patreus’ activities. His parents were a relatively wealthy client family under Senator Patreus known... Lire la suite
Leaked Footage of Emperor’s Assassination
In a move sending shockwaves of revulsion throughout the Empire, an independent newsfeed, Russell Networks, based in the Tulill system, has broadcast what is claimed to be a holographic recording of the assassination of Emperor Hengist Duval. Imperial networks are refusing to show the footage and all levels of... Lire la suite
In respect of the assassination of Emperor Hengist Duval the planned article for this week has been moved to next week so that historian Sima Kalhana relates some of the key moments from his life. Emperor Hengist Duval was the 15th in the Imperial Duval bloodline to lead the... Lire la suite
Chancellor Anders Blaine held a press conference in front of the entrance to the Hall of Martyrs and declared the beginning of the official period of mourning for Emperor Hengist Duval: “It is my solemn duty to officially mark the first day of the four-week period of mourning for... Lire la suite