History of the Eranin Conflict History of the Eranin Conflict
Post Views: 604 Now into its fifth day, the Eranin civil war has escalated quickly. The system’s independence celebrations saw mass exports of celebratory... History of the Eranin Conflict

Now into its fifth day, the Eranin civil war has escalated quickly.

The system’s independence celebrations saw mass exports of celebratory liquor, a practice banned in short order by the Federation.

The perceived Federal opposition to the Independent communist regime sparked anti-government protests and the rise of pro-Federation rebels in Eranin.

War erupted on September 26 and spilled out of the system with rebel attacks on targets in Wyrd, and retaliation against Federal Navy assets in i Bootis by Eranin Defense Forces.

At the weekend, Azeban’s provincial city of New Fresno fell to the pro-Federation rebels, triggering an exodus of loyalist refugees.

Rumors persist of Imperial involvement.