Children of Liberty Offer Prescription for Empire’s Future
Aisling DuvalEmpireHengist DuvalRapport indépendant 20 août 2015
The group known as ‘Children of Liberty’ released another public statement today, this time addressing what it sees as the « crossroads » the Empire finds itself at in the wake of Emperor Hengist Duval’s assassination. « Everyone can see that the Empire is at a crossroads, but it is not just... Lire la suite
Allegations have surfaced from sources close to the office of Prime Minister Edmund Mahon that unnamed elements within the Pilots Federation are deliberately undermining democratic factions in the Old Worlds. These groups are allegedly scheming to push corporate governments into power to strengthen trade agreements with Alioth. The Lave... Lire la suite
Federation Continues Debate on War
Archon DelaineEmpireFédérationGuerres / ConflitsRapport indépendant 19 août 2015
Dissent is growing within Federation congress over the situation in the Pegasi sector. Though many view the Pegasi Pirate War as a chance to let the Empire waste their resources, a growing contingent is becoming frustrated with the Federation’s lack of response. « Tolerating such rampant lawlessness in our sphere... Lire la suite
A Brief Look Back
Histoire de l'HumanitéPirates 19 août 2015
In this series, we look at some of history’s less well-known figures, and examine the part they have played in shaping the galaxy. This week, we revisit a group of individuals whose exploits were covered by a number of media outlets last year. Commander Angel Rose Angel Rose’s career... Lire la suite
Florence Lavigny Calls for Calm
Florence LavignyHengist DuvalMariagesPolitique/économie 18 août 2015
In her first public appearance since the death of her fiancé Emperor Hengist Duval on their wedding day, Florence Lavigny made a short statement in the Imperial Palace press hall and answered a few questions. Her comments come amongst rising tensions on Capitol. “We must remember proper decorum in... Lire la suite
Far from the Hall of Martyrs, Imperial citizens across the Empire have been paying tribute to the late Emperor. Many local system authorities have renamed landmarks and buildings in his honour, and a few have commissioned architects and artists to create new memorials in local capitals. The grandest of... Lire la suite
Further Disturbances in Mourners’ Line
Actualité GalactiqueAssassinat de l'EmpereurDenton Patreus 17 août 2015
Imperial Naval infantry have once again intervened as protesters – who have taken issue with Senator Denton Patreus’s connection to Brendan Paul Darius, the Emperor’s murderer – attempted to prevent access to some of Senator Patreus’s allies late last night. This time the agitators resisted the soldiers’ efforts to... Lire la suite
The Pegasi Pirate War stemming from the United Imperial Offensive has taxed the logistical prowess of the Empire. Supplies, ships, and personnel must be transported up to hundreds of light years from their source to the Pegasi Sector. Provisioning the Imperial fleet over such distances is a monumental task... Lire la suite
Economy of Apalar Improves
Actualité Galactique 17 août 2015
Officials at Svavarsson Terminal in the Apalar system have announced that they have received the necessary quantities of industrial materials to elevate their system’s economy. The request issued by the government of Apalar was met with resounding enthusiasm, as independent pilots from across the galaxy helped to give the... Lire la suite
Assassin’s Family Brutally Murdered
Actualité GalactiqueAssassinat de l'EmpereurHengist Duval 16 août 2015
The immediate family of Brendan Paul Darius – including his mother, father, sister and six year old niece – have been found murdered at their home on Eotienses. Inspector Reeve commented to local press that these were the most horrific deaths he had encountered in his many years of... Lire la suite