Faulcon deLacy Cobra price – Latest Faulcon deLacy Cobra price – Latest
Post Views: 520 We are working our data sources hard in order to bring you behind the scenes information on that spectacular Faulcon deLacy... Faulcon deLacy Cobra price – Latest

We are working our data sources hard in order to bring you behind the scenes information on that spectacular Faulcon deLacy price deal which is throwing fuel on the fire of the Eranin / Federation tensions by militarizing both sides.

Who stands to gain from the Federation and a member of the Independent Alliance being embroiled in a struggle?

The Empire’s well known Senator Denton Patreus visited our local area of space some months ago, and is known to have wined-and-dined key Eranin dignitaries onboard his sumptuous travelling embassy.

Senator Patreus, you will recall, is a popular figure who travels the galaxy with his substantial entourage in a giant white Imperial Cruiser, ‘maintaining good relations’ with numerous independent governments throughout human space.

One of our correspondents managed to grab a word with him yesterday as he hosted a banquet back in Imperial space, and asked him if he had any involvement.

« I visit dozens of systems each month. I have no idea what they are planning, but the notion that a Senator of the Empire would lower himself to dabble in local business like this is preposterous. »

He added:

« The entry requirements for a system to join our wonderful Imperial fold are pretty high, and what looks like a civil war is hardly going to help their case. »

Our correspondent was ushered out of the banquet shortly afterwards.