Elite Pilots Federation Alert Elite Pilots Federation Alert
Post Views: 552 The ongoing uneasy standoff between Eranin and the Federation looks like it is starting to deteriorate ahead of the 30th anniversary... Elite Pilots Federation Alert

The ongoing uneasy standoff between Eranin and the Federation looks like it is starting to deteriorate ahead of the 30th anniversary of Eranin’s independence. Long range scans and covert agents report a significant mobilisation of Federation forces, indicating that the Federation may be looking to spoil Eranin’s party.

Black market sales of battle weapons rose markedly this week.

Both pieces of news are perhaps not unrelated, and bode well for members who are partial to a bit of action…

::GalNet Trade Aggregation Service Reports::
:: Market Information::
Ship Sales (by market share)
Core Dynamics made what independent observers are calling a stunning coup this week with their announcement that all long serving Pilots Federation commanders will have the use of an Eagle for no cost beyond their Pilots Federation dues. The deal provides a rare glimpse of the huge influence and power wielded by the Pilots Federation, and characteristically few details of the financing of the deal have emerged. Needless to say, Core Dynamics are at the top of the pile this week with 100% market penetration!

Faulcon deLacy continue to dominate sales with a 40% share of the weekly market. Although the news from Core Dynamics no doubt rocked them back on their heels, we’ve heard rumours of the bigwigs at FdL puffing cigars in celebration of a secretive mega-deal of their own that they seem to have done – we’re pushing for more info, but it seems clear they have a something big of their own waiting to be announced…

Zorgon Peterson’s early wobbles are now well behind them – the Hauler is turning out to be a model of consistency, with 26% share this week.

After last weeks dip Lakon sales firmed up again to 16% share for the Type 6 and 5% for the Type 9.

Most Profit Made From:
Consumer Technology
Terrain Enrichment Systems
Most traded Black Market goods:
Battle Weapons

Most goods bought and sold (By cargo units):
Consumer Technology
Terrain Enrichment Systems
Domestic Appliances
Computer Components

Top 5 Largest Importers, by Quantity of Good Traded:
LHS 3262: Louis de Lacaille Prospect
Aulin: Aulin Enterprise
i Bootis: Chango Dock
Asellus Primus: Beagle 2 Landing
LFT 880: Baker Platform

Top Exports, Ranked by Quantity:
LHS 3262: Louis de Lacaille Prospect : Consumer Technology
Aulin: Aulin Enterprise: Terrain Enrichment Systems
i Boötis: Chango Dock : Fish
i Boötis: Chango Dock : Computer Components
h Draconis: Brislington : Domestic Appliances

Trade Tips & Hidden Gems:
Markets currently trading with good profits:
Pi-fang: Brooks Estate
h Draconis: Brislington
LHS 417:Gernhardt Camp
Nang Ta-khian: Hay Point
Naraka: Novitski Oasis

::And Finally::
Last week’s information that no Commanders have traded in every available market stimulated at least one of our number. We received this transmission:

I, Commander Erik Marcaigh, claim to have now traded, both buying and selling goods, at every Commodity Market visible and reachable by my scanners. I made sure to make a profit at each market as well, no matter how small it may have been.
I have also visited every single solar system my ship currently has capability to reach. Some systems were a brief visit, while others held me over as I explored a bit.
That’s 55 solar systems reached and 41 Commodity Markets, using my trusty Lakon Type 6 « Karma » over the course of 8+ hours of flying and trading.