President Misses Meeting
Reports coming in from Saga indicate that the President has missed her scheduled meeting with delegates aboard Zudov Terminal. Maisy Stevenson, the leader of the Saga Republic Party, expressed her concern to GalNet in the following statement: “We were expecting Starflight One to arrive a little under 38 hours... Lire la suite
Terrorism Claims Against Wolzan and the Shadow Navy Denounced by Crimson Fortune Company
Ellie Blossum, The CEO of the Crimson Fortune Company, has today issued a statement regarding the recent unrest in Liaedin. « As many of you know, the Federation’s influence in Liaedin has come under attack in recent months, despite many years of peace between the Blossum and the Faveol families.”... Lire la suite
Anti-Federation Terrorists Linked to Artefact Research
Over the course of the weekend hundreds of tons of Bio-Waste were dumped in and around stations in 78 Ursae Majoris. This system is currently undergoing preparations for President Halsey’s arrival as part of her planned grand tour. A group calling themselves ‘The Canonn’ claims responsibility for this act.... Lire la suite
Federation Accused of Cover-up
Despite pleas for information from the Scientific cross-faction coalition, the Federal Authorities remain tight lipped. According to sources close to Dr. Arcanonn and his team, Halsey’s government have refused to even acknowledge that Federation ships have been transporting the artefacts through populated space, despite mounting evidence. The authorities have... Lire la suite
78 Ursae Majoris Increases Security Ahead of Presidential Visit
Excitement is in the air in 78 Ursae Majoris, as millions of residents have begun preparing Seddon Gateway for the arrival of Federal President Jasmina Halsey. The exact date of the President’s arrival has yet to be announced, but residents haven’t let that stop them from arranging a week... Lire la suite
President Halsey Sets Out from Sol
The crowds were out in force on Mars today, as residents gathered to watch the presidential battlecruiser, Space Flight One, depart on the start of President Halsey’s tour of Federal frontier systems. For security reasons, the exact details of the President’s itinerary are being kept secret. However, GalNet has... Lire la suite
President Halsey Refuses Shadow President’s Request
The office of President Jasmina Halsey has today issued a statement refusing Shadow President Hudson’s demand to meet him for a live presidential debate on ‘Face the People’. James Speakes, the President’s Press Secretary, had this to say on the matter: “The President is of course happy to debate... Lire la suite
78 Ursae Majoris Reacts to President’s Intended Visit
Following the rather strange announcement that President Halsey will soon be visiting the ex-Federal system of 78 Ursae Majoris, GalNet reached out to local leaders and residents to get their thoughts. “I think it’s excellent that President Halsey is finally showing some interest in what’s happening in the region.... Lire la suite
Hudson Demands Debate
It looks like the President may not be taking her planned tour after all, following news that Shadow President Hudson has publicly challenged President Halsey to a live policy debate on the popular Federal political stream show ‘Face the People’. So far, the President’s office has declined to offer... Lire la suite
Arcanonn défie Halsey
La recherche sur l’artefact inconnu récemment récupéré s’est intensifiée. Les scientifiques, les ingénieurs et les commandants se ruent pour aider le Dr Arcanonn et son équipe depuis tout l’espace peuplé, les allégeances politiques sont oubliées temporairement avec la recherche de réponses. De nombreuses théories ont été émises et parmi... Lire la suite