The Rise of Crimson State The Rise of Crimson State
Post Views: 502 There have been some interesting goings on in the Lugh system, which was a peaceful, Federally controlled system until last week.... The Rise of Crimson State

There have been some interesting goings on in the Lugh system, which was a peaceful, Federally controlled system until last week.

Then CMDR orfeboy started acting as agent provocateur for the Crimson State Group.

« Over the centuries those who could moved to the Lugh system to be closer to their point of attention and an underground following has grown over the centuries into now what is a sizable minority faction in this system.

Always persecuted and hunted in the past they have established themselves now as a force within the system where each and every right they posses had to be fought and worked for. But they will accept repression no more.

Now we want what is rightfully ours! The worship of the great God Lugh will no longer be oppressed and we will have dominance in this sector and eject the oppressive Federation out of this system declaring an independent Lugh!

We call on all ships for support.

Come to Lugh. Only do missions for the ‘Crimson State Group’.

We need guns and weapons to gather forces for our uprising.

Our numbers are few but our resolve steadfast!

We will not fail. We cannot fail. We must not fail! »

With the help of many others, his campaign has seen Crimson State’s influence rise in the system from being a minor faction to such an extent that at the time of writing the system is on the brink of civil war.