La “Liqueur de la Célébration” Illégale dans la Fédération
Les tensions entre la Fédération et Eranin autour du trentième anniversaire de l’indépendance semble arriver à son paroxysm. Vendredi, durant les célébrations, la Fédération à déclaré la nouvelle liqueur d’Eranin illégale, incluant également les systèmes indépendant communiste dans la liste des systèmes touchés par cette interdiction. Une déclaration d’un... Lire la suite
Ship sales service report
After last week’s stunning news of a free Eagle for all, Core Dynamics falls back to a more usual 13.6% market share. Faulcon deLacy remains top of the pile and tightens its grip on the market even further with a 1.6% overall market share rise to 41.6%. We have... Lire la suite
Cold war ready to ignite?
Eranin’s 30 year anniversary of independence from the Federation is tomorrow, and their ‘cold war’ looks more and more like a tinderbox ready to ignite. Lire la suite
Elite Pilots Federation Alert
The authorities are reporting that they have managed to contain the dramatic increase in black-market trading in the past week with numbers of illegally traded items considerable down on last week. As a result the markets show a healthy rise this week after last week’s slump with trading profits... Lire la suite