Eranin vs Federation – Commander Reactions
FédérationGuerres / Conflits 24 septembre 2014 Bot Galnet

Perhaps rather than conflict, Imperial Senator Denton Patreus’ characterization of the situation around Eranin yesterday as ‘civil war’ is growing more accurate by the day…
Commanders continue to fly in support of both sides of the conflict, although with a slight majority on the Federal side – the side of the rebellion.
We spoke to representatives from both sides last night.
A source close to the communist Eranin government passed on this message for broadcast:
« The Federation-backed rebels are determined to undermine everything Eranin stands for. Comrades! It is time to take up arms and fight the capitalist aggressors! »
There has been a massive surge in Eranin celebratory liquor being smuggled into Federation-controlled Chango Dock. The Eranin government wants to see even more destinations targeted with the now-symbolic liquor to spread support for their cause. Off the record they are also keen for more practical assistance from Commanders in fighting.
A spokesperson for the Federation-backed rebels, who wished to remain anonymous, told us:
« We want to be free to live our lives! Help us kick some Commie butt and break this centralist oppression – every form we fill in, every eye-watering taxation increase, every permit they deny, a little something dies inside us. They will not control us! »
We are getting reports that the Independent Alliance are about to formally intervene on Eranin’s behalf with Federation representatives.