Une question de sécurité
Durant un rassemblement de patrons tenu à Eotienses plus tôt dans la journée, le Sénateur Denton Patreus a reçu une standing ovation après avoir délivré un speech agité sur l’importance de la sécurité interne. « Nous vivons des temps incertains mes amis » a commencé le Sénateur. « La santé de l’empereur... Lire la suite
New VP Appointed
In a formal ceremony in the Congress building on Mars, Congressman Ethan Naylor, the Congressman for Siren was formally signed in as the Federal Vice President. This is a controversial choice as this is the first time a member of the Federal Leadership has been a Congressman from a... Lire la suite
Effinger Port Furbaide Reports Contagion Spreading Unchecked
Despite a valiant effort by medical staff working aboard afflicted stations in Liaedin, LHS 3505 and Furbaide the illness now known as Volungu Blight has managed to evade all attempts to contain it. The virulent disease has managed to claim hundreds of lives since it first appeared just 24... Lire la suite